Our Services

Personalized Service

Avita Atlanta provides personalized services that help unlock the full potential of health for our patients.

We ensure our patients have support throughout their treatment by providing extensive services to that help improve health outcomes. 

Expertise in HIV, PrEP, HCV, & LGBTQ+ Care

Our specially certified pharmacists offer compassionate, gender affirming care to individuals who are often disproportionately affected by complex health conditions.

Pharmacy Delivery

The full-service, on-site pharmacy provides better coordination of care between the pharmacist and the physician. Members can pick up prescriptions as they leave the doctor’s office. For members needing meds between visits, we offer a complimentary delivery service, Monday through Friday, for those who live within a 25-mile radius.

Urgent Care

We’ve partnered with Urgent Care at Peachtree to provide urgent care in our office. Emergency room doctors are available from 9:00 a.m. until 10:30 p.m. every weekday and 10:00 a.m. until 10:30 p.m. on weekends. With our member’s consent, these doctors can access their medical record to ensure excellent continuity of care. We encourage our members to see us for their urgent care needs.


Nutrition plays a vital role in managing health and wellness. We provide a full complement of services, including nutrition counseling, diabetes education, group classes, healthy cooking demonstrations, grocery store tours, personalized health assessments, and meal planning. Whether members want to improve their overall health or need help managing a more serious medical condition, we are here to help.

Primary Care

We provide complete primary healthcare to members aged 16 and older. We focus on health, wellness, and prevention. And we specialize in managing chronic conditions: asthma, diabetes, hypertension, renal disease, COPD, heart disease, and congestive heart failure.

Infusion Services

Our experienced nursing team can deliver IV treatments in our comfortable infusion suite. We also provide one‐on‐one education for members and their families when home IV therapy is necessary.

Gender-Affirming Care

Avita is proud to serve transgender and gender non-conforming patients who seek gender-affirmation and primary care services. Our culturally sensitive program includes hormone replacement therapy, surgical referrals, behavioral health consultations, and self-injection training. We partner with multiple community-based organizations to provide transgender and gender-nonconforming patients with the resources they need to become themselves safely and healthfully.

Radiology Services

Avita Pharmacy’s radiology services are state-certified, and our ultrasound services are ICAEL-certified. Our staff knows that accurate and timely results are important to members’ well-being and peace of mind. We know that waiting for test results is often the worst part of a doctor visit. On-site testing reduces that wait and allows us to make timely treatment recommendations.

Laboratory Services

Our CLIA-certified laboratory, with state-of-the-art technology, brings the convenience of on-site testing to our members. Our doctors can make diagnoses more quickly and often begin treatments before the member even leaves the office.

Behavioral Health

We all feel anxious, worried, distressed, and sad sometimes. But when the feelings are unrelenting and affect our everyday functioning, it can make taking care of ourselves even more difficult. We have options to help members get back on track with life. Medication, group therapy, and personal counseling are available here.

Social Work

Many of our members need assistance with everyday concerns. Our on-site social worker helps provide education and assistance by explaining Medicare, COBRA, and other insurance coverage, as well as finding community resources and addressing needs like housing and food.

Health Educators

AbsoluteCare’s health educators address member concerns related to their conditions, prescribed therapies, and medications. They can also assist with medication adherence and the management of side effects, as well as answer general questions concerning medical care.

Alcohol and Other Drugs (AOD) Consult Team

If alcohol or other drugs have caused problems in a member’s life, we can help. Providers will connect members with AbsoluteCare‘s Alcohol and Other Drugs (AOD) Consult Team. We offer integrated primary care with medications for addiction treatment, peer support, behavioral health, and assistance with linkage to additional community resources like detox, inpatient/outpatient treatment, and other behavioral health supports. We understand that everyone’s journey is different, and we are committed to harm reduction.

Dermatology Procedures

Mole, skin tag, and wart removals are common, minimally invasive procedures. Members who find a mole or growth that is irregular in shape or color, has changed in any way, is asymmetrical, or is simply of concern, should contact our office for an evaluation and to discuss if excision and biopsy are needed.